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Tillicum - Seattle Harbor Tours
(206) 601-3900




This 4-hour experience includes passage to and from Tillicum on Blake Island*, a Northwest flavors-inspired buffet meal featuring traditionally-prepared alder fire roasted fish, Northwest Native American storytelling, live stage performance enhanced by technology, hand-crafted art – all inside a cedar longhouse surrounded by lush forest and rocky beach for you to explore. Walk in Chief Seattle’s footsteps with us.


Your experience includes:

  • A unique dining experience including a clam nectar appetizer, a Northwest-flavors inspired buffet with dessert. Explore the full menu here.
  • Roasted fish prepared in the traditional style of Northwest Native Americans on stakes over alder wood fires.
  • Stage performance combining live dancers and 3D projection technology for a dramatic storytelling presentation.
  • Time after the performance to speak with the artists, enjoy the works of art featured throughout the longhouse or browse our gift shop.
  • Beaches and forest trails waiting to be explored.
Age Price Per Person
Adult (13+) $27
Senior (65+) $22
Youth (4-12) $13